Sunday, January 22, 2012

The Seerahs

The Seerah
In the Arabic language the word "Seerah" . comes from saara yaseeru. Linguistically, it means to travel or to be on a journey. When we’re talking about someone’s seerah we’re talking about that person’s journey through life. You are talking about the person’s birth, the events surrounding it, his life and his death, and you are also studying the manners and characteristics of that person. In modern times we still call it Seerah, like a resume is called a Seerah or Seerah Dhaatihi in the Arabic language.
In Islamic sciences or the Sharee’ah, Seerah means the study of the life of the Prophet Muhammed (sall Allahu 'alayhi waand sallam), the Last and Final Prophet and the Messenger of Allah . It is the study of his life and all that is related to him. The information related to him would be like the events and aspects surrounding his biography. This would include knowledge of events that preceded his birth, his interactions and dealings with his companions, his family, the people around him, and also the events that occurred shortly after his death. No book of Seerah stops at the death of the Prophet (sall Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam), it goes a little further in time or a few events further. Also, any Seerah book usually talks about the Prophet's (sall Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) birth, his parents, his lineage, his tribe, and people that lived before him and the major events that took place around his birth. Usually when a book on someone’s biography is written it is imperative that a little information about the people that the subject interacted and death with. The Seerah of the Prophet (sall Allahu 'alayhi wa sallam) is no exception, it includes knowing about his companions, the disbelievers, the hypocrites, and the People of the Book that he interacted with.

SubhanaAllah, studying Seerah is an Ibadah for All muslims. And it is obligatory for us to know about the Seerah of the prophet.
Inshallah, the stories of Sahaba's will also inspire us and help us learn about the blessed Companions of Prophet[saw]. InshaAllah all of us will take heed from their Seerahs too.

The Seerah of Prophet[sall Allahu 'alayhi waand sallam]
  1. Importance of Seerah
  2. Ar Raheek Ar Makhtum[Bangla]
  3. Ar Raheek Ar Makhtum[The Sealed Nectar]
  4. Mohammed[saw] by Mohammed Ridha
  5. Selections from Seerah
  6. Sirat Ibn Hisham[Compressed]
  7. Earliest biography of Prophet Mohammed[saw] - Ibn Ishaq
The Seerah of The Sahabas

The Khulafay Rashadun
  1. The Biographies of The Rightly-Guided Caliphs
  2. The Successors of The Messengers
  3. Abu Bakr As-Siddique[1st Khalifa]
    1. Abu Bakr, The Truthful
    2. Abu Bakr As-Siddique
    3. Hadhrat Abu Bakr
    4. Hadhrat Abu Bakr As-Siddique
    5. Love of Abu Bakr
    6. The 1st caliph
  4. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab[2nd Khalifa]
    1. Effective Governance of The Caliphate of Umar(ra)
    2. Hadhrat Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
    3. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab, Journey to Islam
    4. Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
    5. The Virtues of Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
    6. The Second caliph
    7. Why do Shiites Hate Umar Ibn Al-Khattab
  5. Uthman Ibn Affan[3rd Khalifa]
    1. The Biography of Uthman Ibn Affan
    2. The 3rd caliph
    3. Uthman Ibn Affan
    4. Uthman Ibn Affan
  6. Ali Ibn Abi-Talib[4th Khalifa]
    1. The 4th caliph 
The Rest of Ashara Al-Mubashirin
  1. Those Promised Paradise
  2. Abu Ubaidah Ibn Al-Jarrah 
Other Companions
  1. Companions of The Prophet[saw](Bangla)
    1. Part 1
    2. Part 2
    3. Part 3
    4. Part 4
    5. Part 5
    6. Part 6
  2. Hayatus Sahaba
    1. Volume 1
    2. Volume 2
    3. Volume 3 
  3. Al-Hasan and Al-Hussain
  4. Companions of The Prophet
  5. Great Women of Islam
  6. Hearts have changed
  7. Khabbab Ibn Al-Aratt
  8. Khadija - Mother of Believers
  9. Fatima Binte Al-Khattab
  10. Men around The Prophet
  11. Salman Al-Faarisse
  12. Stories of the Sahaba - Companions of the Prophet
  13. Sword of Allah - Khalid Ibn Al-Walid
  14. Sword of Allah - Khalid Ibn Al-Walid[Bangla]
  15. The Commanders of The Muslim Army
  16. The Prophetic Medicine
Other Islamic Personalities
  1. The Stories of The Prophets
  2. Salah-Uddin Al-Ayyubi
  3. The Brief Biographies of the eminent Scholars of Hadeeth
  4. The Ideal Muslim
  5. A Tale of Two Murders

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